Master plan of Capannori (2016)

Our master plan, among many others, has a specific objective: to build a place, through the rediscovery of the signs of the past submerged by the building expansion of the second half of the twentieth century, a rediscovery that takes place not only physically but with a resemantization that is to say with the attribution of a new meaning.


Master plan of Capannori (Lucca)

Project details

Our master plan, among many others, has a specific objective: to build a place, through the rediscovery of the signs of the past submerged by the building expansion of the second half of the twentieth century, a rediscovery that takes place not only on a physical level but with a resemantization that is to say with the attribution of a new meaning.

Starting from the Roman grid and the legible texture on the first Leopoldine cadastral documents, the existing scan was reinterpreted by creating intersecting paths and the most ancient Capannorese courts, a true characterizing element of the territory, were highlighted.

One of the key elements of the project is the “agricultural park”, intended in the sense of preserving the memory of the agricultural territory but with different uses.

The Master Plan communicates an assembled system of nodes and networks that coordinate all the other systems that make up the whole project.